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Privacy consequences for Google's products in schools must be assessed
KS (Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities) and Bergen municipality are launching a project to carry out and test a national assessment of privacy consequences (DPIA) for Google's products and services in schools.
Receive weekly updates about our project of making a national DPIA for Google products used in school
KS (Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities) and Bergen municipality have initiated a project to attempt to create a national Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) of Google's products and services in schools.
A survey of performed privacy assessments of Google Workspace for Education
The project for national assessment of privacy consequences (DPIA) for Google's products and services in schools has recently carried out a survey among all Norwegian municipalities.
New project puts kids first
- We strive to give children the best possible start for mastering everyday life and adulthood, says municipal director in Gausdal, Rannveig Mogren.
Norwegian Nature is for Everyone
A new booklet about Universal Design and Outdoor Recreation.
Youth matters
KS has made a new booklet about youth councils, based on a Youth Workshop in Karasjok for youth councils in June 2022.
The Articles of Association for KS
Changes to the Articles of Association can only be adopted by The National General Assembly with a two-thirds majority. The current Articles of Association were ratified by the National General Assembly in February 2020.
KS stands with Ukraine
KS sends letter to Ukrainian colleagues: - Today the Ukrainian people were supposed to celebrate their National Day. Instead they have to live with the terrible consequences of war.
Human rights responsibilities of municipalities
Municipalities in Norway have an independent responsibility to protect and promote human rights and they play a key role in safeguarding many human rights in practice.
KS supporting climate change adaptation in Bulgarian cities
Recent milestones have been reached in an ongoing project dealing with climate change adaptation in Bulgaria, which is financed by the EEA Grants and managed by the state-sanctioned Bulgarian entity National Trust EcoFund (NTEF).
КС засуджує напад на Україну
«Ми глибоко переживаємо за наших добрих друзів та колег в Україні та найрішучіше засуджуємо вторгнення Росії в Україну», – повідомила Гун Маріт Хельгесен, президентка KS, Норвезької асоціації місцевих і регіональних влад.
KS condemns attack on Ukraine
“We are deeply concerned for our good friends and colleagues in Ukraine, and condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian invasion of the country,” says Gunn Marit Helgesen, President of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities.
International launch of a new taxonomy for indicators measuring the SDGs
The launch shared the report itself, but also the preliminary findings from classification exercises as well as pointing out possible ways forward. Watch a recording of the event here.
Unique cooperation on sustainable development goals
The cooperation between local government and national authorities in Norway has drawn international attention during the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals.
The local government sector is working towards a sustainable future
The municipal sector is key if Norway is to meet the sustainability goals. In close dialogue with its members, KS has prepared a report that shows how municipalities and county authorities work with this.
How do the Nordic countries and Europe work towards the SDGs?
On behalf of KS, Nordregio has carried out a survey of Nordic and European initiatives that are relevant for local and regional authorities to know about in the work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Finding Norwegian partners
The international projects team at KS is available to forward requests for Norwegian project partners for the EEA/Norway Grants through its network of international coordinators in the various regions of Norway.
Universal design and age-friendly society
KS ' newest handbook on age-friendly communities is now available in English. Several other booklets with examples of universal design and age-friendly society from Norwegian municipalities and counties are already available in English.
KS supporting local development in Bulgaria
KS is using Norwegian experience to mobilize local resources for development in small- and medium-sized communities in Bulgaria.
KS and the coronavirus situation
KS has acted as a contact point and coordinator during the pandemic. Our organization’s role has been described and sent to the coronavirus commission.